Frequently asked question
The project primarily involves primary school children, but if your school is, for example, a kindergarten-primary school, then teachers must decide whether resources will also be available for kindergarten. Or, if you also need play equipment for primary school students, specify in the application for participation in the project the number of children who will use the play equipment.
The charity project “Active Break” was created particularly to make changes in breaks at primary schools to stay active. All schools can join the project by filling out the application form on the project website
To participate in the project, a school representative must fill out an application on the project website This can be an interest leader, school principal, head teacher, or teacher. It is important that the school is ready to participate in the project and that the school has one responsible person who communicates with the project team, receives play equipment and introduces it to children.
Since grants and schools are entered manually, we update the site at least once a day, but this can also happen at night. If you have filled out an application but do not see your school on the project website for 2 days, you can let us know.
The school support Fund is calculated based on the number of children participating in the project at the respective school. First of all, this is the number of primary school students, but in some cases, the number of kindergarten or basic school students may be added.
The cost of the project for schools with up to 40 students is 85 euros, regardless of the number of students, because we also make a beautiful color box and publications with instructions for games for these schools. If we calculate the cost of one box and a set of instructions per 100 students, then for small schools it is the same as in large schools for 100 or more students.
The project can be supported by all individuals, companies and organizations that want to contribute to a more active pastime of children during recess. Parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, and all other good people are welcome as supporters.
If a support Fund is created for the school, the information will be posted on the project’s website Each school has a subpage containing detailed instructions on how to contribute. The support amount must be transferred to Tallinn Moon Rotary Club Bank account.
Projekti meeskond vaatab laekumised üle iga päev ning uuendab toetuste laekumise ja toetajate infot projekti veebilehel.
Since bank transfers can take time and sponsors are entered manually on the project website, we update the website at least once a day, but this can also be done at night. If you made a transfer but don’t see your name after 2 days, let us know.
We are very happy that so many schools have joined the project, and school funds are also being actively replenished.
As soon as the amount of the support Fund is collected, we will prepare boxes and publications for storing game equipment for the school and deliver them to the school within 1 month from the date of replenishment of the school Fund.
The person in charge of the project at the school does not need to collect things or organize anything else, the project team takes care of everything. All that remains for the school is to introduce the game equipment and provide children with play equipment.
Use a creative approach and come up with new combinations of elastic bands or tricks with a footbag, organize competitions and enjoy playing together.
If grants are received in excess of the amount stipulated by the school Fund, the grant will be added, in particular, to the Fund of the supported school until it is filled, and the remaining amount will be added to the grant funds of other schools in accordance with the procedure for joining the project.
No, this is a charity project of civil initiatives organized by Tallinn Moon Rotary Club. The school is not required to report on the participation in the project. Just enjoy the game!
Yes, we recommend that you share information about your participation in the project with your parents and other people who work at the school. You can download the project logo here.
Applications for participation in the project will be accepted on an ongoing basis for an indefinite period.
For our part, we strive to ensure that all schools participating in the project are able to raise the amount of the support Fund and give children game equipment.
Tallinn Moon Rotary Club is a charitable organization that is part of the international network of Rotary clubs. We are engaged in various projects both in Estonia and abroad. You can find out more about our projects here.