
The advent of the football tag occurred in America in 1970, when John Stalberger and Mike Marshall began to throw a small bag of grains at each other with their feet. Ten years later, the global Footbag League organization was formed. In America, footbag is the second most popular kicking game after soccer.

A footbag consists of plastic pellets surrounded by sewn fabric. The more rags, the rounder the ball. The best ball consists of 32 cloths..

Watch the video how to get started with the footbag and learn new tricks.

Inside kick is a kick with the inside of the foot. After hitting, try to keep the ball and practice alternately hitting the ball and catching it until you get to hit and catch the ball many times in a row.

Outside kick is a kick with the outer edge of the foot. Stretch out your hand, let the ball fall gently, and kick the ball up. Also practice catching and hitting until you can hit up many times in a row.

Toe kick is hitting the bag with your toes, just like in football. Try to kick the ball with your toes straight up and not in the direction of your head, to avoid hurting yourself.

As soon as you learn to hit, practice stopping the ball, also with the inside and outside of your foot and your toes. It will be easier to catch if you lower your foot a little so that the bag lands more gently and doesn’t bounce right back.

Footbag is usually played by at least 3 players. The goal of the game is to kick the bag with the players’ feet or head so that it doesn’t fall. You can only use your hand to pick up the ball and start a new game.

Although playing footbag with 3-5 players is more fun, it can be done by two people. The name of one version of the game is 21, meaning each player must kick the ball 21 times in a row and then stop the ball or hit the next player to get a point. The player with the most points becomes the winner.

In addition to the most common freestyle games, there is also a footbag net. The rules of the game with a net are similar to volleyball, but it is usually played on a badminton court with a net 1.5 meters high.

Photos and instructions are taken from the wikiHow site. See the Footbag Footbag Worldwide website for more information and instructions.